Resolution on the Organization of the Communist International

Adopted at the 24th Session of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 12 July 1921

Continued from left column

4. By sending fully empowered representatives of the Executive to the sections, the Executive can give effective organizational support to the effort to achieve a genuine International of the common daily struggle of the proletariat of all countries. The task of these representatives is to acquaint the Executive with the particular conditions under which the Communist Parties of the capitalist and colonial countries must struggle. They must also make sure that these parties maintain the most intimate ties both with the Executive and with one another, increasing the striking power of each. The Executive, along with the parties, shall ensure that communication between it and the individual member parties—both in person through trusted representatives and by means of written cor­re­spondence—shall take place more frequently and more quickly than it has to date, so that a common position on all major political questions will be arrived at.

5. To be able to take on this extraordinarily in­creased activity, the Executive must be con­si­der­ably expanded. The sections which were granted 40 votes by the Congress shall each have two votes in the Executive, as shall the Executive of the Communist Youth International; the sections which had 30 and 20 votes at the Congress shall each have one vote. The Communist Party of Russia shall have five votes at its disposal, as in the past. The rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the remaining sections shall have con­sul­tative votes. The president of the Executive shall be elected by the Congress. The Executive is instructed to appoint three secretaries, to be drawn from different sections if possible. In addition to them, the members of the Executive sent by the sections are obligated to take part in carrying out the ongoing work through their particular national de­part­ments or by taking over the handling of entire specific fields as rapporteurs. The members of the ad­min­is­tra­tive smaller bureau are elected specially by the Executive, as a rule from among the mem­bers of the Executive; exceptions are permissible in special cases. Back to Appendix B

6. The seat of the Executive is Russia, the first proletarian state. The Executive shall, however, at­tempt to expand its sphere of activity, including or­gan­izing conferences outside of Russia, in order to more firmly centralize the organizational and po­lit­ical leadership of the entire International.

Back to Appendix A

The Executive of the CI shall be enlarged so as to enable it to take a position on all questions de­mand­ing action by the proletariat. Above and beyond the general calls issued on such critical questions up to now, the Executive shall increasingly go over to finding ways and means to initiate in practice a unified organizational and propagandistic in­ter­ven­tion in international issues by the various sections. The CI must mature into an International of the deed, into the international lead­er­ship of the com­mon daily struggle of the rev­olu­tion­ary pro­le­tar­iat of all countries. The pre­req­ui­sites for this are:

1. The member parties of the CI must do their utmost to maintain the closest and most active ties with the Ex­ec­utive: they must not only provide the best representatives of their country for the Ex­ec­utive but must judiciously and persistently supply the Executive with constant and reliable in­for­ma­tion so that the Ex­ec­utive can take positions on political problems that arise based on actual doc­uments and comprehensive materials. In order to use this material productively, the Executive must organize de­part­ments for all specialized fields. In ad­di­tion, an in­ter­na­tion­al economics/statistics institute for the workers movement and communism is to be established, attached to the Executive.

2. The member parties must maintain the closest informational and organizational ties among them­selves, particularly when they are in neighboring countries and therefore have an equally intense in­ter­est in the political conflicts arising from capitalist antagonisms. This relationship of common action can at present be initiated most effectively by send­ing representatives to each other’s most important conferences and by the exchange of suitable per­sonnel. This exchange of suitable personnel must im­me­diate­ly become a permanent arrangement for all sections which are in any way capable of it.

3. The Executive shall promote the necessary fu­sion of all national sections into a unified in­ter­na­tion­al party of common proletarian pro­pa­gan­da and action by publishing a political correspondence in western Europe in all major languages, through which the application of the communist idea must be made steadily clearer and more uniform, and which, by providing reliable and steady information, will create the basis for active, simultaneous in­ter­vention by the various sections.