Bibliography of Works
by Richard S. Fraser
Most of the documents written by Richard S. Fraser during his membership in the Socialist Workers Party and in the period immediately following were published and circulated under the pseudonym Richard Kirk. We have indicated these documents with an asterisk following the title. Documents included in this bulletin are marked with a double dagger (‡).
This bibliography is necessarily partial; for example, we were unable to locate all of Fraser’s extensive correspondence with other individuals. The Prometheus Research Library would appreciate notification about any additional materials.
Articles and Documents
- “Labor Skate Disbands Militant San Diego City Labor Council,” New Militant, February 8, 1936, 1 p.
- “Crisis In Fields At San Diego,” Labor Action (California), December 19, 1936, 1 p.
- “Wage War on Union in San Diego,” Labor Action (California), December 26, 1936, 1 p.
- “San Diego Farm Strike Is Crushed,” Labor Action (California), February 20, 1937, 1 p.‡
- “New NMU Hall—Facade to Hide Union Retreat,”* Militant, July 8, 1944, 1 p.‡
- “Soldiers Cheer Striking Workers,”* Militant, December 15, 1945, 1 p.‡
- “Some Problems of Branch Organization,”* The Party Builder (Internal Bulletin of the Socialist Workers Party), Vol. III, No. 2, July 1946, pp. 13-14.
- “On the Negro Question,”* (June 7, 1952), SWP Internal Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 1, June 1952, pp. 1-6.
- “The Negro Struggle and the Proletarian Revolution. Introduction and Two Lectures given at the Friday Night Forum, Los Angeles, November, 1953: 1. Race and Capitalism 2. The Struggle for Equality,” SWP Discussion Bulletin, A-19, August 1954, pp. 1-44.‡
- “For the Materialist Conception of the Negro Question,” (January 3, 1955), SWP Discussion Bulletin, A-30, August 1955, pp. 1-24. Reprinted in Marxist Bulletin No. 5R (Spartacist League/U.S.), September 1978, pp. 2-16.
- “Contribution to Discussion of NAACP,”* (September 2, 1955), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 14, October 1957, pp. 20-25.
- “Contribution to the Discussion on the Slogan ‘Send Federal Troops to Mississippi’ (Letter from Fraser, Seattle, March 10, 1956),” SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 13, October 1957, pp. 4-9.‡
- “Resolution on the Negro Struggle,”* (May 25, 1957; presented to the Seventeenth National Convention), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 11, September 1957, pp. 1-11.‡
- “Presentation in Support of ‘Resolution on the Negro Struggle’ at the Seventeenth National Convention,”* (June 1957), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 14, October 1957, pp. 3-11.
- “Summary Remarks on Negro Discussion at the Seventeenth National Convention,”* (June 1957), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 14, October 1957, pp. 12-15.‡
- “Editorial Changes to ‘Resolution on the Negro Struggle’,”* (September 21, 1957), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 11, September 1957, p. D.
- “Statement on the Edited Version of the P.C. Resolution on ‘The Class Struggle Road to Negro Equality’,”* (September 22, 1957), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 14, October 1957, pp. 1-2.
- “To the P.C.,”* (October 10, 1957), attached to Club Exec. Minutes, No. 18, November 5, 1957, 1 p. (on Little Rock crisis)‡
- “Resolution on the Little Rock Crisis,”* (submitted to the January 1958 Plenum of the National Committee), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1958, pp. 1-11.
- “To Farrell [Dobbs],”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, (January 22, 1958), attached to Club Exec. Minutes, No. 2, January 23, 1958, 5 pp. (on Communist Party and Gatesites)
- “Plenum Discussion of Cuban Question. Part II—Discussion from Floor,”* SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1961, pp. 15-17.
- “To the Political Committee,”* (June 1, 1962), SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 9, October 1962, pp. 10-14. (on crisis of leadership in civil rights movement)
- Motion made at June 14-17, 1962 National Committee Plenum Discussion on World Movement*; later withdrawn, 1 p.
- “Plenum Discussion of World Movement. Part 3,”* SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 6, November 1962,
pp. 7-12.
- “Plenum Discussion on Negro Struggle. Extended Remarks,”* SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 9, October 1962, pp. 15-22.
- “Plenum Discussion on Negro Struggle. Summary,”* SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 9, October 1962, pp. 40-41.
- “To the Editor of The Militant,”* (January 30, 1963), attached to P.C. Minutes, No. 1, January 25, 1963, 4 pp. (on seniority and black workers)
- “Revolutionary Integration—Draft Resolution on the Negro Struggle,”* SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 28, June 1963, pp. 1-45.
- “Political Resolution submitted to the 21st National Convention of the SWP, 1965, adopted by the Seattle Branch,”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 8, [1965], pp. 1-62.
- “Radical Laborism versus Bolshevik Leadership, The Organization Problem of the S.W.P.,”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, SWP Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 14, [1965], pp. 1-28.
- “To Ed [Shaw], National Office, SWP,”* (July 13, 1965), attached to P.C. Minutes, No. 8, July 16, 1965, 2 pp.
- “To the Political Committee,”* (December 13, 1965), SWP Internal Information Bulletin, July 1966, pp. 11-20.‡
- “To: Comrade Ed Shaw and the National Committee, SWP,” by Seattle Branch, SWP, and the national Kirk-Kaye Tendency, (March 8, 1966), SWP Internal Information Bulletin, July 1966, pp. 32-35.
- “Statement of Resignation from the S.W.P.,”* co-authored with 27 others, (April 9, 1966), SWP Internal Information Bulletin, July 1966, pp. 51-61.
- “Why We Left the Socialist Workers Party,”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, Frank Krasnowsky, David Dreiser and Waymon Ware, June 1966, 8 pp.‡
- “Call to a Conference of the Freedom Socialist Party of Washington to Reconstitute the Party as a Permanent Membership Organization,” co-authored with Waymon Ware, Arthur Mink, Gloria Martin, Frank Krasnowsky, Fred Berg and Gus Carlson (Executive Committee, FSP), July 1966, 2 pp.
- “Report of an Observer: First National Conference of Spartacist League Marked by Seriousness and Youth,” The Freedom Socialist, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 5, 1966, pp. 8-9.
- “Greetings Delivered to the Spartacist Conference,” The Freedom Socialist, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 5, 1966,
p. 9.
- “In Defence of the Chinese Revolution,”* co-authored with David Dreiser and Frank Krasnowsky (for the Freedom Socialist Party of Washington), January 1967, 10 pp.
- “Program of the Freedom Socialist Party (Adopted at Founding Conference, July, 1966),” co-authored with Waymon Ware, July 1967, 8 pp.
- “Revolutionary Integration: the Dialectics of Black Liberation,”* Revolutionary Age, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1968, pp. 13-57.
- “The Emancipation of Women,”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, Revolutionary Age, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1968,
pp. 17-25.
- “Crisis and Leadership. Part One: The Crisis,”* co-authored with Clara Kaye, FSP pamphlet, 1969, 76 pp.
- “Socialism and Black Liberation,”* co-authored with Ian Parry, Revolutionary Age, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1974,
pp. 25-52.
- “A Letter to American Trotskyists: Too Little, Too Late (Memorandum on the Problems of Building a Revolutionary Party),”* Revolutionary Age, Vol. 3,
No. 4, 1974/75, pp. 17-43.‡
- “Marxist Perspectives on Black Liberation,” 1970s, 29 pp.
- “For Rebuilding CAPA on a Mass Base,” mid-1970s, 1 p. (on the Coalition Against Police Abuse in Los Angeles)
- “Preface to the First Edition of the First Volume of the Documents of Black Revolt,” October 1978, 3 pp.
- “Prospectus and Attachment: IV. The Economics of Slavery,” (undated), Spartacist League/U.S. Internal Discussion Bulletin, Whole No. 42, August 1983,
pp. 10-15.
- “Once Again Caste,” with I. Parry, April 21, 1984, 9 pp.
- To 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S. Courthouse, San Francisco, May 7, 1987, 1 p. (demanding release of Geronimo Pratt)